Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

daily activity in free class

assalamualaikum how r u today readers? This is Monday right? Yeah I was written this daily activity on friday yesterday. Hehe I want to share a little bit of my story today. after to exceed approximate one week I just learned, read online article, and memorized some important word. The work is bored ? but I enjoyed with it. I don’t have time to calling my friend alias I don’t have pulse ihhik lol. I miss them, yaph that’s all ! if we talking about them it does so long and we will find trouble to stop ckck. Back to our theme my activity in free class today, I woke up at 05.00 so fast right? Yeas, but don’t think I doesn’t sleep after that, I sleep until 08.00 o’clock and then I have initiative to cleaned my beloved room. I’m not photographer :p  but I like photographer’s world I take the picture using my android phone . I forgot to taken how condition my room before cleaned by me, I just taken on cleaning process. This is the pict 
1.    First cleaning is my study table, there are so much dust ya ya how lazy I am ahhahk. The book is moving to my bed  I take wate cloth and then I cleaned it. U can see my table is empty

2.    This things there are my doll, my holy Quran, my dictionary, my blue note and  all the book about midwifery 

3.  Wihh readers this is so disorders ya? Ihhik do you want to help me? come on! :p

4.    The picture is finished? No, not yet bit again wait be patient just pair a red carpet  haleh* :D

5.    Finally like this. What do u think ? is it clean? Say yes lah to give me appreciated on my expedient  sweat lol 

That’s all I’m sorry if I have a grammar disorders, I learning to write what is that ever I learn. See u at the next post wassalam

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